Christian Growth Network Prayer Requests
September 2008
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find;
knock, and it shall be opened unto you" Matthew 7:77
Let's start this month by giving God praise!
- Last month, I requested for you to pray for me as I put together a book proposal. I was able to put it together, have it reviewed and send it out in record time. I could really sense that I was being prayed for...Thank you!
(More on that in a moment.)
- Secondly I had asked for your prayers in writing my new pen pals in prison. Again, I was able to write all three of the guys and send the letters.
- Thirdly, I asked for God's help in keeping my priorities with my time with God and my family and I feel that I've had great grace to do this well.
Praise the Lord! You're prayers are powerful! You were three for three!
Here are this month's requests:
1) The book proposal I sent out is now in the hands of the publisher. They can take up to 3 months to make their decision. Please keep this proposal in your prayers asking that God open this door and show me favor with the publisher.
2) I have several other pieces of work that are being reviewed or in query.
- I have a query sent out to In Touch Magazine (ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley) for an article on setting and achieving godly goals. Please pray that they have an interest in seeing this work on spec.
- I have written an article for Pray! magazine on fasting. Fortunately I have a good working relationship with the editor and don't need to send a query. I can e-mail her directly with the articles. Pray that they like this article and for continued favor with the editorial staff of the magazine.
- I have also submitted a writing for a new book that's coming out by Dr. Gary Chapman (author of the Five Love Languages). He's putting together a compilation with stories about learning how to love. Pray that my story sticks out to them and that they like it for the book.
More importantly that any of this work being accepted, please pray that it can minister to the readers. That's what this is all about!
3) Please pray that God gives me continued guidance, enlightenment, creativity and diligence to write more and that I abide in Jesus to bear much fruit. I will also be ministering at a Bible study this Friday (9/5) and ask for your prayers.
I look forward to sharing with you what God does in answer to your prayers!!
Thank you so much!
Your Brother in Christ,
* Typically, you send a query letter to a magazine editor asking for them to consider a certain topic that you'd like to write about. It can take up to 8 or more weeks just to hear back from them. If they like the idea they will reply back and ask for you to send them your article "on speculation" (spec for short). When you send something "on spec" they have no obligation to buy or contract with you for the work. They simply are checking it out and will get back to you. (return to top)