Teach Your Children Their Identity in Christ
What one mega pastor's fall has taught me.
Redemption of your creative thinking.
By Pierre Eade
How do you discover God's will for your life? Does God ever lead you through your own desires? Find out more here.
By Pierre Eade
Now more than ever, the Church needs to be aware of the difference between the Gospel and the message of self-help.
By Pierre Eade
Have you ever wondered how the Bible was created? Take a historical journey to learn of some of the highlights.
*This is a 13 page research paper.
By Pierre Eade
I have recently learned that praying for wisdom is not sufficient...I need to pray for revelation!
The Lord has been challenging me to consider the motives that are behind my actions. Here are some of the good and bad motives I find that often drive my behavior.
Find practical guidelines in making decisions of any size and significance in this article.
A reflection on Luke 17:12-19, the story of ten lepers who were healed by Jesus.
A deeper look into 2 Chronicles 7:14, reveals a promise from God that He always answers.
Have you ever wondered how to know God's will? Here is a simple way to find it.
We live in a world that can tear us down and beat us up. At times the battle of life seems like an uphill fight and we become fatigued and feel like giving up. But there is hope! God's Word has given the solution to overcoming weariness and finding strength and refreshment to live.
Discover eight reasons why memorizing the Bible is a worthwhile activity.
Have you ever considered what it will be like to stand before God at the end of your life? Don't wait until that day to find out. Read this article and learn more about God's love.
Have you ever wondered if there is a certain amount of time you need to pray each day? Taking lessons from Jesus' on prayer, learn how important time really is to your prayer life.
How one word from God can change your life!
Will you trust God when your life is on the line? I am.
God has only equipped and called you to run one race - your own. Be encouraged to run your race!
Understand how God sees you in Christ and learn seven spiritual blessings that every Christian has received in Christ.
By Pierre Eade
Reading passages in the Bible about slavery without understanding the cultural context of those writings can lead to misunderstanding and possibly rejection of the Bible or the Christian faith.
*This is a 14 page research paper.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Make the most of your time on earth!
Does anyone truly live apart from God? Can a committed Christian be a habitual idol worshipper? Take a deeper look at who you personally worship each day in this article.
Here are three keys that will help you in be a success in ministry and the Christian life.
It is imperative for Christians to have a teachable heart and spirit to learn from the Lord.
Biblical insight to help you overcome the feelings of stress and anxiety.
A battle exists that is very real, yet unseen. It's a spiritual battle and it's one you can win!
Are you in need of refreshment and rest? Do you feel weary and run down? Read this article and learn how waiting on the Lord can bring refreshment and strength.
The Key to Happiness in Life can be summarized in one word.
Taking a break from technology can be a healthy decision for you and your family.
A true childhood story that will encourage you to keep Christ in Christmas
Has your life become unfruitful or less fruitful than times past? Learn about the three "word chokers" that will choke God's Word out of your life and hinder you from being fruitful.